Welling Guzman's homepage


Along side with #100DaysOfCode I have decided I should practice my English for the next 100 days.

I learned english almost by myself. I was taught english at school, but the same thing for a decade, nothing useful at the long run. about 5 years ago I put myself into a intensive english course for grammar and allow myself to speak with people in english, since then I have not talk much.

I would say I am good at listening and reading, I read and listen english every day, but I write from time to time, and speak not very often (almost zero time).

My goals is to get used to speak and write english more often. The way I want to accomplish this is by writing every day or record myself talking or both.

I hope by the end of the 100 days I've improved my skill of communicate.

This will count as the first day.

Follow my progress on Twitter.